Dear Friends,
My name is Amanda Colleen Williams, and I am a songwriter, author, artist, student and philanthropist.

I was born in the Appalachia Mountains of East Tennessee and was raised there for the first thirteen years of my life. I grew up in a musical family who encouraged me to study literature and music.
By the time I was sixteen, we had moved to Nashville for my dad, Kim Williams to pursue his songwriting career, and there I became immersed in the songwriting world while attending one of the best private high schools in the state, University School of Nashville.
My love for writing and music grew over the years, and led me to Berklee College of Music in Boston where I earned my Bachelor of Music with high honors at the age of twenty-one.

Over the years, I have researched and written a lot about music, education, philosophy, and parenting. Everything has led me to this point, and I’m finally ready to share these writings with you by publishing my journal archives representing thousands of pages about these topics.
Some of the things I’ll share will be:
Music – not just the songs I’ve written, but also about the influences stemming from East TN heritage, stories about the power of music to affect people’s lives, and stories that go along with the songs.
Awareness of the plight of kids aging out of the foster care system through working with hundreds of them in Tennessee, Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Virginia, Florida, and New Mexico thanks to a song called “Nobody’s Child” which you’ll learn about.
Education – its importance and application in service work including k12 programs such as the Music Ambassadors Program, adult programs such as the Songpreneurs Community I founded, and things I’ve learned over the past 7 years homeschooling my twins.
Psychology – writings and musings from a lifelong study of the spiritual side of psychology.

And other topics of interest such as songwriting, service work, history, meditation, and travels.
I hope you enjoy reading, and want you to participate if you feel so moved by writing to me, and posting comments on the site.
As a kid, my mom and dad read to me a lot, and I learned about the Greek habit of starting long “epic” poems with a prayer called an “invocation to the Muse.”
Having always liked that idea of calling on Divine guidance at the beginning of things, I thought it would be a good way to start this Songlife journey.
So here’s a special invocation to the Muse from me to you, and if you like it, you can check out other Invocations and poems on the website.
Together let us journey toward the center of what binds us together. I celebrate the Divinity in You.
Thanks for reading.
Love & Light,
P.S. Hope you enjoy and leave me a message in the comments.
#introduction #Appalachia #EastTennessee #nashville #story #writing #music #education #songpreneurs #NobodysChild #fostercare #psychology #Songlife #invocation #letter #muse #Greece #AmandaColleenWilliams #songwriter #artist #Tennessee #family #KimWilliams #dad #songwriting #world #UniversitySchoolofNashville #BachelorofMusic #BerkleeCollegeofMusic #DavidBowie #parenting #influences #storytelling #Texas #Kansas #Missouri #Virginia #Florida #NewMexico #Songpreneurs #homeschool #twins #spiritual #service #mom #PhyllisWilliams #divine #God