A few weeks ago, I was invited to be a guest on Nashville Today with Devon O’Day.

The show airs on WSM, Home of the Grand Ole Opry - the same station my dad used to listen to every Saturday night in his youth.
Devon invited me to come on and talk about my one-woman show concert series, A Story of Love - and my breast cancer recovery.

It was cool to catch up with her, and hear her stories about co-writing with my dad years ago. He was fond of her, and called her a “sweetie pie” – which is absolutely accurate.
As an added surprise, a young lady I had written with along with Buddy Brock named Peyton Taylor was also there assisting in the radio studio.
And I was also able to meet social media buddy James Robert Webb. (Isn’t it funny these modern friendships we have almost completely online? Great to actually meet people in real life – especially when they’re kind and talented.)

Can’t believe it’s almost time for another concert. This Saturday, June 24th I’ll be performing my monthly concert here at the 7695, my “hillbilly Taj Mahal” as we like to call it.
We’re just about sold out for this Saturday’s gig, but if you’re planning ahead, you can get tickets in advance for the upcoming shows – the last Saturday of the month through the end of the year.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Love & Light,