Well, it’s official.
Last month I was asked to speak on a panel called International IP Protection: A View from the Experts along side colleagues from the United States Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office at the America’s Association of Small Business Development Centers’ Annual Conference in Nashville.

After years of study, a degree in Music Business from Berklee College of Music, and 15 years of making my living as a professional songwriter, I have finally earned the title of “expert.”

L to R Alan Datri, Brie Knox, Amanda Colleen Williams, Ed Landquist, Susan Anthony
It feels good to be able to share my insights with others who share my passion for protecting the work of creative artists and business people.
Copyright is something that most people don’t think about every day, and that’s probably a good thing. Those of us who do think about copyright on a daily basis are probably a pretty odd breed compared to the rest of folks.
But it’s important to think about what copyright is, and what it really means for creative workers such as songwriters, musicians, and artists of all kinds, including architects.
Unlike my fellow copyright experts, many of whom tote a law degree, and work in government or helm various advocacy organizations, I am a humble songwriter.

I earn my living by skillfully wielding copyright, and by teaching other songwriter entrepreneurs to do the same through our Songpreneurs online platform.
If you’re copyright curious, or just want to hang out with a bunch of wacky wonderful songwriters, you’ve found the right place.
I appreciate being named an expert by my esteemed peers, and look forward to serving my country through advocacy of songwriter and artists rights. It isn’t some esoteric topic only discussed in lofty quarters and penthouse suites. Copyright is the essence of our ability to make a living as creative laborers.
My dad, Nashville Songwriter Hall of Fame Member Kim Williams, took our little family of three from East Tennessee living off social security and disability checks after his near fatal burn accident in 1974, to being able to pay cash for a $500K + mansion in the 1990s after his songs written with Garth Brooks started making the scene.
I want to ensure the same possibility for my fellow songwriter brethren who are just getting started in this crazy entertainment industry.
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