The United States Department of State asked me to help launch a new program combining artist cultural diplomacy and intellectual property rights education called the Arts Envoy IPR program.

Picture from American Corner in Cluj Napoca
The Arts Envoy has been around for a long time as the original arts diplomacy program provided by the Cultural Affairs Department of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.
This year, the Cultural Affairs Department teamed up with the Office of Intellectual Property Enforcement at the State Department to launch this new program with me as their flagship delegate.

On my first day in Bucharest, Romania town center
For the past ten years, I have built and tested a program that combines songwriting and intellectual property education for youth, adults, and professionals.

This trip is further proof that the program not only works, but is highly effective in helping students, government workers, and the general public understand the importance of respecting intellectual property and the work of creative artists.
Over the next few weeks, I will post highlights from my trip including pictures of some of my adventures in beautiful Romania.
Special thanks to the United States Department of State especially my friends in the Office of IP Enforcement, the Cultural Affairs Departments, and to everyone at the U.S. Embassy in Romania for making this first trip such a huge success.
I’ll be back in a few days with A Taste of Bucharest.
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