Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood performed an epic live show on CBS television last night, including a song I co-wrote with Garth called "She's Tired of Boys."

They took requests from fans in the days leading up to the online concert, and one of the songs they played is a song I wrote with Garth called "She's Tired of Boys" for his Man Against Machine album.
What a thrill to see two of the most talented singers and performers in the world sing our song on live television! It's a songwriter dream come true.
Thank you to all the friends and fans who requested "She's Tired Of Boys" and helped make it happen!
If you didn't see the performance, you missed it! But you can still watch the replay here on CBS.
In the meantime, you can order all the Garth Music you want on Amazon Music, and Prime subscribers get some Music included.
Here's a link Preorder Garth's new album FUN before it hits the shelves, and even hear a few of the singles already released from the record.
Thanks again! If you love a song, request it! It never hurts, and it just might help a lot.
Here's "I Am Saved" (words and music Pete Garfinkel & Amanda Colleen Williams)
Please like, share, save - and request on your local radio station.
Thank you! Come visit again soon.