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Kim Williams: Synchronicity and Songwriters Live Forever

Updated: Feb 12, 2020

So, I have to tell you a story...

Yesterday on the way to the recording studio, I was talking to my writer Sheldon about my dad, and how today, Feb 11, 2020 will make 4 years since he left this world and graduated to Heaven. I was starting to get a little teary eyed when...

Just then, the familiar first notes of "Ain't Goin' Down 'Til the Sun Comes Up," a song Dad wrote with Garth and Kent Blazy came blaring on to the local country radio station 95.5 FM Nashville.

Sheldon got goosebumps on his newly tattooed arm, and I got one of those bittersweet, laughing through the tears moments as the line, "better get your red head back in bed before the morning" came careening out of the car speakers.

Dad called that synchronicity - those perfectly timed, meaningful coincidences - some call them "God Winks."

Such is the way of great songwriters and other creative artists who come into this world and touch us all with the depth of their understanding of the human condition before leaving this world for the Great Beyond.

I am thankful today for the 30 or so years I got to enjoy my dad in this life, and as his legacy song "Three Wooden Crosses" reminds us, "It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go."

Kim Edwin Williams (1947 - 2016), my daddy and one of the finest songwriters the world has ever known. Daddy, though you are gone, your words continue to move people down here. Thank you for your sacrifice. See you on the Other Side when it's my time. Until then, you're always alive and well in my radio. Forever Love.

I appreciate all you friends and family here. Sending Love your way today and every day. xo

All my love,

- Mandy


Photograph above Kim Williams and Amanda Williams performing at the Charlie Chase Cancer Benefit photo credit Mark DeWitte


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