Andrew Buckwalter stopped by The 7695 private events venue to interview me for his podcast, Nashville Untold during last year's Nashville Songwriting and Music Business Conference.
Here's a link to listen to Episode 46 on his website

Andrew is a realtor who recently moved his family to Nashville from Texas via Arkansas to raise his sons here.
He is a talented interviewer and uses his podcast as a way to connect with the community.
We talked about what it was like growing up as a teenager in Nashville, and how the town has changed since then.
I told some stories about my family, including about my dad, Kim Williams whose songwriting dream brought us from East Tennessee to Middle Tennessee, a million miles away culturally.
Here are a few photos taken by our 7695 Private Events Facility helper on the day of the interview, and at the concert after. Get your tickets to the next show at The 7695 here.